Tuesday, November 27, 2012

C4K Summaries for November

#8 Brittany C. posted a story on November 1, 2012 about her trip to Canada. She explained how she hated the ride, and how boring it was. She talked about many different things they did and summarized the entire trip. I commented and told her: I always loved traveling with my parents and like her I hated the ride. I am originally from Indiana. So, now when I go home I drive 12 hours to see my family. I have always wanted to see Canada, but like her I do not like the cold so much. I hope she gets to see more places in her future. Traveling can be an amazing experience, and you can learn so much.

#9 ZaneD is in a 9th grade history class. His class's blog is here. In his post he speaks as if he was Napoleon Bonaparte. He gives a set of rules of dictating then says now you are ready for stage two of dictating and gives another set. He stated the source of what he read to write his blog post for his History class. My comment: Your post was very creative and thoughtful. I really enjoyed reading it. History has never been a strong suit for me so reading this was very interesting.

#10 In the blog Nelson's Navigators. There are four videos about Alabama. I watched The State House. Here is my comment: I watched your video The State House. It was very informative! Being that I am not from Alabama, I have not learned about the state of Alabama as you are doing now. However, I did learn new things from your video. We all learn at least one thing new every day!


  1. Awesome! It is most definitely helpful! I would have been lost with out it.
